[NTLK] Latest and greatest Newt-supporter: Claris Org or Palm Desk?

From: Michael 'Mickey' Sattler (michael_at_GeekTimes.com)
Date: Fri May 10 2002 - 11:36:22 EDT

I'm going to be installing Classic onto my Mac OS X system purely for
Newt development and syncing.

This takes me way back, so please excuse me for the retro questions.

Which version is the most up-to-date Newt-supporter: Claris Org or
Palm Desk? Which version(s)? I recall there being some issue about
this, but I can't remember what the tempest in a teapot was all about.

Happy Friday, y'all.


Michael "Mickey" Sattler, Geek Times   <mailto:michael_at_GeekTimes.com>
San Francisco, California, USA    <http://www.GeekTimes.com/michael/>

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