Re: [NTLK] Community vibes, and Newtons for kids

From: Bob Dawson (
Date: Fri Mar 29 2002 - 13:40:16 EST

Thanks for the tips on the games. Sounds like a good list. Is there one
place to find this stuff? Thx, --bd--

> ----------
> From: Prabhakar Ragde
> Reply To:
> Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 8:10 AM
> To:
> Subject: [NTLK] Community vibes, and Newtons for kids
> Some of you may have noticed Frank Gruendel's generous gesture
> offering to fix or replace a Newtontalker's broken machine to keep him
> on the list. Frank also recently sold me two MP130 ROMs to upgrade my
> children's 120/1.3s, and helped me with details of the swap
> procedure. I suspect the price was influenced by the fact that he,
> too, is a father. Yet another reason to be impressed with the
> Newtontalk community.
> Bob Dawson recently asked about fun Newton software for kids. Mine,
> who are much more into reading than watching TV, like
> Ahorcados(Hangman), Othello, and PicoFermiBagels; they didn't care for
> Newtris. I am about to give them nBattleship, though I'm torn on
> whether to let them know about the beaming feature. I might also try
> giving the older one YAZI, though it would help if I could find a
> source for the z3 version of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (the z5
> version is available for free download, and I can always use that if
> she's fired up enough about it for me to register the app). --PR
> --
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