Re: [NTLK] [OT] Manned Mission to Mars

From: Samuel Jacobson (
Date: Mon Jan 14 2002 - 00:03:33 EST

Dear Gaddy,

  Per our conversation the people to speak to at Sylvan are:

1). Dr. Judy Johnson- The owner and operator of the Sylvan I work at (the
outlets are
  franchised, yet still under Corporate Sylvan). As I noted Dr. Johnson is
not only a delightful
  and kind person, but a biologist to boot (cyclids is one area, oh my!) !

2). Amanda- She is one of the primary operators at Sylvan, and is head of
marketing (I believe).
  I look at her as "second in command." I find Amanda to be charming and
very nice.

3). Linda- She does a lot of the parent conferences at Sylvan, among other
duties. In the
  hierarchy I look at her as "third in command." Linda, like Dr. Johnson
and Amanda, is also
  very nice and easygoing. I enjoy my chances to talk with her.

  All of these people also teach when necessary. In case you may need it
the number for Sylvan is (813) 987-9760, is located at 11203 North 56th
Street (on 56th in between Fowler and Busch Boulevard, yet closer to Fowler
than Busch. Look for a "small", one story white and green complex. Sylvan
is the first suite as you drive in. Note: Park only in the spaces at this
complex, and not at the next complex over which is known as Sherwood
Forest), and the administration is open from 0900-1700 yet the teachers are
there until 1930. I am sorry yet I do not know the individual schedules of
the three people I have mentioned.

  Thanks again for tonight. I had a nice time, and I hope you did as well.
I always enjoy my chances to chat, and look forward to the next time! By
the way, you left the movie over here. If it aright I will return it for
you either tomorrow (when June goes out) or on Tuesday.

  Let me know if you would like to come to the auction on Saturday,
February 2nd (although I may need you if your are free due to the transport
of the TRON game). While the auction is a full day's event, if you get
bored you could always join June and Tui for Dim Sum and some touring of
Orlando. Perhaps you could see the upside down WonderWorks and go on the
"make it yourself" roller coaster! :-)

  Thanks again, my friend! I will see you Wednesday at 1700 in the main
entrance to the USF gymnasium.




Always remember, "Ad astra per aspera"...


Lab. Telephone (via Dr. Susan Bell): 813-974-5420

     Department of Biology
     University of South Florida
     SCA 110
     4202 East Fowler Avenue
     Tampa, Florida, 33620

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