Re: [NTLK] newtontalk Digest V2 #170

From: Herb Rabbin (
Date: Wed Feb 27 2002 - 04:04:02 EST


>Subject: [NTLK] How to remove ink from screen?
>I am curious on how to remove ball-point pen ink from the newton screen? 
>The screen is not indented or damaged. The newton has pen ink all around 
>the four corners of the screen. I am considering a dissassemble of the 
>newt, removing the screen and trying to clean the screen carefully by 
>hand.  Any ideas?
I just got an MP 2100 from mr2ndhand and it had some ink pen (I think) 
marks on the screen.  I used alcohol pads, like the ones at the dr. 
office.  I pressed a Q-tip onto the pad and dampened the tip, then gently 
rubbed it in a circular motion over the marks.  They came right off and 
the screen was clean.  

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