Re: [NTLK] OT: portable cd player - copy protected audio CDs

From: Thomas Cherry (
Date: Tue Apr 09 2002 - 13:52:56 EDT

If everyone did this two things could happen, they stop taking returns
(probably what will happened) or they change there practices and give us
cheep CD's which is really all we want.

on 4/9/02 1:47 PM, Jim Anderson at wrote:

> A friend of mine is going the guerrilla route. He purposely buys
> copy protected CDs and then returns them later. He figures that it costs
> the record store more than they make to handle a return. If they lose
> enough money handling returns on copy protected CDs, they'll protest to
> the manufacturers or refuse to carry them. I don't know how true that
> might be, but I imagine it's pretty satisfying just the same.

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