Re: [NTLK] To think what could have been....

From: Edward Cheung (
Date: Wed Oct 10 2001 - 13:13:08 EDT

When my friends saw me using the Newton, they just keep saying that the
Newton is too big and too heavy, but when they saw me receiving and
sending Writing right on the screen
sentence after sentence....they kind of putting their own PDA away from
the table.
And they never thought the Newton was a device made ....5 years ago?
Ed Cheung

On Thursday, October 11, 2001, at 12:25 AM, Ed Kummel wrote:

> I work in a highly technical field and most of the
> people I'm exposed to either know that this is a
> Newton, or proclaim their respect for the Newton even
> though they use another device (although, the Pal
> users generally don't...I've found the WinCe people to
> be a bit more professional about it)
> Ed
> web/gadget guru
> --- Christopher Dean <> wrote:
>> I must get at least 4 students a day (industrial
>> design/product design/print
>> design/multimedia) commenting on my Newton 2000 and
>> good it looks.
>> They are even more impressed when they find out what
>> it can do.
>> Whenever someone passes comment I sit back and
>> wonder about what may have
>> been.....
>> just wondering how many other ppl get similar
>> comments.
>> Chris
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