Re: [NTLK] Bizzaro Newton

From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Wed Nov 28 2001 - 15:01:44 EST

>Wow. I didn't know that the Schlumberger device looked like this. That
>docking station is unreal.

Not sure if I should say this, but, umm, well, I was sure I heard
about a schlumberger clone before and I searched in my Eudora DB.

Frédéric Paché (I indeed thought it was him who talked about it)
posted a link about the Schlumberger on the NewtonFR mailign list:

but it no longer works. Anyway, Frédéric owned a Schlumberger at some
point. He then sold it (probably to Antoine) and got a MP2x00.

He wrote on NewtonFR mailing list:
>Pour info le MP2k d'Apple est plus agréable au toucher que le
>Schlumberger qui a un plastique plus lisse mais aussi glissant. Le
>MP2k d'Apple est bien en main.
i.e., he said that the Schlumberger was too slippy while the MP2K was
better for touch as you won't drop it.

He also gave some details to the FAQ maintainers about his unit:
>On point II-A-1-a in the clones section, you can add the Schlumberger "Dr
>Watson". It's a Newton MP2000 clone with Rom 2.1. The Newton is delivered
>with a "docking station" from where you can connect a PC or a Mac and having
>a modem Kortex in it. The dock station of course is used to charge up the
>battery of the Newton.
>This is a special Newton for medical applications. There is 2 special slots
>for chip card used in France concerning social security. So there is only
>one PCMCIA slot for flash memory (I've got a 4MB Schlumberger one) and so

He later asked:
>Au fait, tu connais quelqu'un qui a un Schlumberger? Je ne parviens pas à
>faire une connexion PC ou modem avec la station d'acceuil.

i.e. do you know if someone as a Schlumberger? I can't connect it to
the PC or to the modem with the dock station.

Then, the guy who is selling it (Antoine Bercovici) just posted here
last month a question

>I am wondering if somebody can help me:
>At each time I try to install a package, my messagePad
>said "the installation has failed:this package is not
>compatible with your newton" and a big X appear
>on the icon. I have tried with over 20 apps!
>I think the problem is from my newton, as I have a clone
>made by schlumberger. (it is actualy a messagepad 2000
>housed in a case made by schlumberger and with some
>special features, such as a built in smart card reader and
>a connector for a docking station).
> The system version is: Version ROM 2.1 (F1-037)-1
>and the application that I want to install works with
>newtonOS 2.0/2.1.
> I may have a missing extension or something like that.

Maybe I shouldn't have posted all that. But NTLK is archived on the
web anyway. If someone is getting it (especially if this person lives
in Paris, it will be easier), I'm ready to help (and very curious to
see the thing closer).

Also, I think that Antoine is wrong when he wrote on eBay that his
unit has 4 MB of ROM and 4 MB of Flash. It very probably has 8 MB of
ROM (with Newton OS 2.1 Fr, so yes, this thing exists) and 4 MB of
flash, hence 8 MB of internal store space. (the NewtonOS 2.1 ROM
handles 4 or 8 MB of additional Flash for internal store).


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