Re: [NTLK] Almost perfect Newton case

From: Jon Glass (
Date: Mon Nov 12 2001 - 03:28:37 EST

on 11/12/01 9:02 AM, SlashDevNull at wrote:

> Sure, I could put a pen there, but I keep a spare battery pack there. I
> usually just put a pen loose next to the loop.

I had a shoulder strap made and that loop is where I store it when it's not
being used. It fits fine with my pen. :-) You could always clip the pen over
the loop from the outside...

> But the case can hold a lot. I am real happy with it.

!00% agreed!! I've looked for an alternate, but I've found none. Oh, mine is
the Calise branded case, but it's the same.

Jon Glass
Krakow, Poland

Sometimes the majority only means that all the fools are on the same side.

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