Re: [NTLK] Riccochet Network resurrection?

From: Ed Kummel (
Date: Thu Nov 08 2001 - 14:36:51 EST

During the Sept 11th disaster in NY, the local
communication's infrastructure failed big time.
Cellphones from all the major carriers were not
working, pages took hours to deliver. The only thing
that saved the day was that the mayor of NYC created a
special dispensation to reactivate the Riccochet
network in NYC just for the disaster relief workers!

Now, the federal government has seen how useful this
technology is, they are discussing setting the
Riccochet network as a Utility. Like your Power, Gas
and the like.

Some areas already use the Riccochet system to convey
utility usage, it would be a simple matter to just
make it a part of your monthly bill and you use it
like you would your phone!

web/gadget guru

--- Way <> wrote:
> As a former Riccochet user it, it appears that it
> might rise from the dust!
> Hope they lower the price!
> Way
> R Pickett wrote:
> >I look forward to being a late-adopter on ATA
> support, and putting
> >hundreds of megs in there, and putting everything
> I'll ever need, want,
> >or fancy into the palm of my hand. Gimme Ricochet
> and/or 802.11 after
> >that....

note: This does not constitute a sig file...

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