Re: [NTLK] USB to dongle. (was Smaller form factor for a newton

From: Andre Baron (
Date: Thu Nov 01 2001 - 13:57:42 EST

on 11/1/01 1:59 AM, Pascal Mass=FCn at wrote:

> op 31-10-2001 14:00 schreef Laurent op
>> You won't find it anywhere, as it doesn't exist. The "dongle" was a spec=
>> ,
>> custom connector from Apple and never made it as a standard. Designing a=
>> trying to sell an adapter based on it wouldn't have been very wise,
>> economically speaking...
> Thanks for the info Laurent.
> What are my options then ?
> I bought a Titanium and would like to perform all NCU operations from it.
> I still have to use my WindowsPC for that, but I'd like to convert
> completely to Apple. I know that ethernet is an option, the Titanium has =
> builtin. But then I'd have to buy a ethernet card for my newton and this =
> trying to omit. (both slots are already taken: memory and modemcard)

Pascal, my suggestion is to get the Ethernet card. It's not terribly
expensive ($30 cnd) and it goes much faster then either inferred or serial.
It's also very portable (especially if you get an X-Jack Ethernet card like
mine. The only time you run into issues is if you do a brain-wipe and forge=
to put the ethernet drivers on a secondary storage device. I have a card
with my mp2k and I love it. Plus you can then use your newt to connect to
the internet.


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