NTLK Re: "Brainwipe"

From: Isaac Tüftler (mp-tueftler@gmx.net)
Date: Tue Jul 04 2000 - 08:35:26 CDT

>Datum: Montag, 3. Juli 2000 17:49

>re-insert my flash card, I have two copies of some "built-in" packages

Which packages? Are you sure, that they are built in?
Built-in are Notes, Dates, Names, TimeZone, Calls, InOut, Dock, OwnerInfo,
Help, Card, Prefs, Style, Writinglesson, Clock, Formulas, Calculator and
the starting app (in German named "Profil", so maybe Profile in english?
Hope i got the other titles correct). Built-ins are not moveable to card.
So again: which apps?

Do the Doubles on Card appear crossed out? If so (what should be), then just
mark and delete.

For brainwipe a card
0.) Remove Card
1.) tap "Card"
2.) put Card in
3.) dialog should appear, asking erasing/format the card

Greetings from Germany
Isaac Tüftler
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