Re: NTLK System Soup?

From: Kenny Song (
Date: Sat Aug 26 2000 - 01:19:09 CDT

On Fri, 25 Aug 2000 Paul Butler wrote:

>Many people talk about backing up and restoring everything but the system
>soup as a solution to a myriad of problems.
>What exactly might one loose by not restoring the system soup?
>Owner info?
>HWR settings?
>NIE settings?
>Personal Word lists?
> - the built in variety
> - for alt.rec
> - for Corrector +
>Are there any problems with not restoring the System Soup?
You have the list virtually covered except maybe all your software registration codes. If you have no problems, restore with your System Soup intact. In all my years of backups and restores, I have only avoided restoring my System Soup once, and that is because I was testing SimpleMail's Reply To error on a spare MP.

Good housekeeping will help avoid System Soup corruptions. Always backup Internal before trying softwares like extensions. That way, if things go wrong, you can always restore without worry that some unwanted codes may be left behind. A 4 MB Card is great for this. Also, after Installing a new software you intend to keep, use it a while to be sure there are no conflict before updating your backup.

I always delete the System Soup of a new software I decide to remove, including it's preference file. Trashpak is useful because it list System Soup chronologically. SAI's preference cleaner can be used to delete unwanted preferences though these don't cause problems.

During maintenance backup/restore, watch out for orphaned soups. Uncheck those before restoring. If not sure, leave it.

A little precaution can often save you hours of hard work and nights of worry.;-)

Kenny Song
<Sent with Newton MP2100/SimpleMail/4.1.2>
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