Re: NTLK Setting POP and SMTP servers using Enroute iNet?

From: Bill Davis (
Date: Sat Aug 26 2000 - 01:14:33 CDT

On 8/24/00 3:43 PM, Grant [Pseudoplexus] Hutchinson
[] wrote:

>qualify the server address (eg: This is all well and
>good, and quite frankly, it did work back when we still had POP services
>running on our "mail" server. But since the brainiacs in our IS
>department moved everything over to an MS Exchange server running IMAP,
>things are all kerflunky. I want to connect to another server on our
>network that still runs POP, but can't for the life of me figure out
>where to change the server address.
>I know, I know... someone is bound to tell me that I probably should be
>running SimpleMail instead, but I just haven't got around to changing
>things over. I just don't ssend alot of mail with the Newt right now.

Grant - if your mail server only does IMAP, you're basically out of luck
-- no Newton e-mail client supports IMAP, so far as I know. Not even
SimpleMail, I'm pretty sure.

See if you can't have your IS people also set up POP3 and SMTP. If not,
there's nothing you can do.

("all kerflunkly", eh? Is that a technical term? ;-)

Since I know you run Webstar too, you MIGHT possibly be able to have it's
mail client talk to the Exchange server someone and pick up mail. I know
that POP/SMTP servers can pick up mail from another one using an Internet
connection that only is active occasionally (such as a dialup one)...just
not sure if Webstar's mail server can do that, or if IMAP can. I think
Webstar supports IMAP as well as POP3 & SMTP, but it's not something
I've spent much time on (I'm using Webstar mail too, on Info-Newt, but I
haven't fiddled with it at all since I first set it up, and I'm using
whatever the defaults are..POP3 and SMTP certainly, dunno if IMAP is up
too or not.) But if you could have Webstar's IMAP talk to Exchange's
IMAP somehow and "relay" the mail to/from your webstar server, perhaps
you could then use the POP3 part of Webstar's server with your Newton.
This is all just guesswork, I don't know if it's actually feasible, but
it's someplace to start.

 - Bill

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