Re: [NTLK] Another MP120 Question

From: Jon Glass (
Date: Sat Sep 22 2001 - 12:59:33 EDT

on 9/22/01 2:59 PM, Michael J. Hu=DFmann at wrote=

> Now one thing strikes me as odd: the MP120 as such was never capable of
> being connected to a telephone line directly. The type of devices needing
> a BZT Zulassung were telephones, answering machines, fax machines, and
> modems, but not PDAs. The German MP2100 had no "BZT Zulassung", nor did
> it need one. But then, neither did the MP120.

My guess is that it had something to do with the Siemens telephone. You
know, there used to be a phone that had a Newton integrated into it. It
started with the 110, and also came with the 120, I think. There used to be
one in a consignment shop, here in Krakow. I've been tempted on several
occassions to buy it, but the Newton would be useless to me, as it's only a
1.x device, and German to boot. :-)
-Jon Glass
Krakow, Poland
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