Re: NTLK Sad Newton

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Fri Apr 14 2000 - 09:51:47 EDT

"Jorge A. Narvaez" wrote:

> Hello, friends,
> I bought a 130 on E-Bay and I have a small problem with it. Whenever I try
> to access the names files the Newton gives me a -48809 error message. What
> is the problem? How can I fix it? Thanks, I really appreciate any help you
> can give. Jorge

According to the Newton Programmer Reference, -48809 means "undefined method".
Are you using this MP130 with the standard applications? Did you ever install
anything on it? Any kind of extension to add new functionalities that were not
present when you got it? I wouldn't think the data are corrupted, but more like
something that is trying to execute a method, and for some reason, it fails.

Laurent Daudelin
Developer, Adaptive Infrastructure, CIS Fannie Mae
Phone: 703-833-4266
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