NTLK Newtscape help

From: Stephen Beesley (sjbeesley@yahoo.com.au)
Date: Thu Apr 06 2000 - 09:17:46 EDT

Hello all,

I have been trying to connect to my ISP using

I am using an upgraded MP2K and NIE 2.0 and my ISP
uses an automatic proxy configuration and server
assigned IP addresses. Now for the problem.

My Newt seems to dial up and connect but when I go to
open a location it comes up with the following error

Looking up host: (URL that I am trying to open)
Looking up host You have not set up your

This happens when I have entered my ISP’s Automatic
proxy configuration URL into Newtscape’s preferences.
Now, obviously I have not set up something properly
but the error message seems to be incomplete. Any
ideas what this message could mean?

If, on the other hand, I do enter the proxy URL then
generally all I get is:

NIE: connecting
Opening link Stopped

I know this is not much to go on, but before I contact
my ISP and go through the no doubt painful process of
explaining to them what I am trying to do I was hoping
somebody might be able to shed some light on what I am
doing wrong or at least what questions I need to ask
my ISP.

Any help appreciated

Stephen Beesley

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