Re: NTLK QuantaStep OnTap

From: eagle (
Date: Thu Apr 06 2000 - 08:54:25 EDT

Hi Victor
Did you receive the copy of OnTap 2.2?
Any joy with getting into the Companion program?

> From: Victor Rehorst <>
> Reply-To:
> Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2000 18:24:17 -0500 (EST)
> To: NewtonTalk <>
> Subject: NTLK QuantaStep OnTap
> On Thu, 10 Feb 2000, Richard Smith wrote:
>> BTW are you interested in long forgotten Newton programs? I have a
>> program called OnTap. It made by Quantastep in the UK (they are long
> I don't know about Oz, but there is a place for "lost" Newton programs,
> The Newton Cage. I've already got a sizeable collection of Newton
> applications that have been totally dropped by their companies (or the
> companies have ceased to exist).
>> gone) I have had it for a long time it is in archive for with some
>> documentation at total 1.2M. I have the serial # for the desktop
>> program (that is used to write and design programs for the Newton) but
>> not the OnTap Companion for the Newton. Can you help me make this
>> fully usable or know someone who may be interested to help. Thanks
> I'd appreciate it if you could send me a copy (off-list!) so that I can
> add it to my collection, and then maybe someone will be able to write a
> workaround for it.
> (PS: check out the Newton Cage, URL below in my sig)
> -----Victor Rehorst - |
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