NTLK touchpads?

From: doppler (doppler@mac.com)
Date: Thu Apr 06 2000 - 06:09:17 EDT

this is a question about a rumour ive heard.

according to apples press conference march 1st 1998, about half of the sixty
apple staffers in the newton group have been transferred to other areas
within the company to work on the new mobile computing products based on the
macOS (and which is managed by apple's powerbook group).

if this is true, can anyone confirm/decline the rumour that the next
powerbook from apple theat will come with a osX will have a "mini-newton"
instead of a touchpad? ive read this on some newsgroup, but i cant remember
where. the touchpad is supposed to give the user ability to write text right
into the computer as if he was using a newton, or use the touchpad as a
wacom board (!).

it seems like pure logic to me, but id need some more comments to become a
believer. please reply if youve heard anything like this.

[fujutsu has a notebook with a touchscreen, so i guess apple doesnt want to
fall behind.]

                      roman pixell

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