Re(2): NTLK MP2100 Case Screws

From: Josh Burker (
Date: Wed Apr 05 2000 - 16:49:05 EDT writes:
>There is no missing screws. There are only 4 screws on the back of the
>newton 2000/2100 and 2 empty holes. Why the empty holes??? When I first
>bought my 2000, I called Apple and they replied with that is the way it
>is. 2 empty holes.

I think the deal with all the extra holes, the little indent on the
"bottom side" of the MP2K, as well as the little rectangular holes on the
bottom of the MP was for Apple or 3rd party manufacturers to clip add-on
devices (GPS, cell phones, etc) to the body of the MP. At least that's
what I got from reading the Apple Design Group book.

Josh Burker

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