Re: NTLK Re: freewwweb access numbers?

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Tue Apr 04 2000 - 11:35:51 EDT

charles mangin wrote:

> >I finally, after 3 days of tries, be able to successfully register with
> >freewwweb. I hope their services aren't a reflection of the registration
> >process, because I'm not sure I'll stay with them, btw...
> >
> >Anyway, I'm looking for the canadian access numbers, and from the Canada
> >map on their site, all the provinces access numbers pages seem to be
> >broken.
> >
> >Does anybody has them? I think I remember a Newton book with those
> >numbers, but I missed it. If that's true, could someone send it to me
> >off the list?
> The book i have on my site has all the numbers in the US, but for
> some reason, not the canadian ones. it hasn't been updated, most
> likely because i was really hoping to be able to use freewwweb on my
> newt, but after a similar registration process and never being able
> to connect with any combination of name and password, i decided i'd
> just live without.
> anyhow, i've updated the freewwweb newton book at
> to include the canadian
> access numbers. you can download the book from there.

Thanks, Charles!

I was finally able to find their Montreal access number, but never been able
to connect once. I've been able to connect from my home, in Virginia, using
the same settings than in Montreal, so you can tell I was really disapointed
when after many tries, it still didn't work.

So, I guess they're overwhelm, or don't care, or both of it. If people are
looking for anything more or less reliable, then I would say, IMHO, forget
freewwweb. Sorry, but that simply doesn't work. They're also not responsible
to any message you sent. I've sent them a few emails about the problem I've
got to register, and still have to receive a single reply.

Laurent Daudelin
Developer, Adaptive Infrastructure, CIS Fannie Mae
Phone: 703-833-4266
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