NTLK alt.rec.... hang problem: a solution?

From: Paul Guyot (pguyot@pnm-consulting.com)
Date: Sun Apr 02 2000 - 05:42:30 EDT

Hi folks.

Few days ago, I didn't observe alt.rec.... hang problem on my Newton, even
with ParaGraph (cursive recognizer). I did yesterday, hence my hope to find
the problem. (I have an uMP2100/220/6/6). I even thought I never saw the
cursive recognizer working on it, it was just a dream.
Then I tried on the other MP2100 here (uMP2100/160/6). The problem does not
occur here.


Here what I know of the problem:
(a) it does occur even if we start without any software and tap alt.rec....
to enable it.
(b) when the third word is written (anywhere) the Newton hangs.
(c) it is not linked with lack of internal storage. I tried: the working
Newton had 200 kb, while I did some cleaning on mine to have 300 kb.
(d) it only occurs here with the cursive recognizer, although Darl Singh
reported having problems with printed recognizer
(e) since the problem hadn't occur and occured on my MP, I installed
PowerTransCursive (demo). The demo expired. But I tried the same by playing
on the date on the other one without success.
(f) it is not linked with the user dictionary. I emptied mine. (it had 534
words in it).
(g) it does not occur anymore when I disable alt.rec.... mechanism.

I think I found a solution. I had 250+ expansions within alt.rec.... on the
Newton where the problem occured, while there was two on the other one. I
disabled them (by renaming the soup). Now, it works properly.

It didn't change the available NS heap significantly. Could please people
experiencing or not this problem tell me about:
(1) checking that the problem does also occur without any package
(2) how many expansions they have
(3) which model (MP120/130/2000/2100) they have.

Thanks in advance.

Paul who considers starting voodoo to fix this problem.

P&M Consulting Newton Program

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