re: NTLK Newton cron

From: Steve Weyer (
Date: Fri Mar 31 2000 - 05:56:01 EST

>Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2000 19:02:31 -0800
>From: Jim Anderson <>
> Is there any sort of scheduler for the Newton that can run other
>tasks? I'd like to be able to do things like tell my Newton to wake up at
>8am and download some news and web pages for me to look at later.

there are several apps that provide scheduling: WebXPress for NetHopper,
SimpleMail, Newt's Cape for web pages (and links) -- in fact several users
in past few days on NewtonTalk commented on how useful this was. I think
InkSpot supports scheduling for new, though I'm not positive.

NewtDevEnv, Newt's Cape, Sloup, Crypto,...

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