NTLK Re: New Apple PDA?

From: Stainless Steel Rat (ratinox@peorth.gweep.net)
Date: Wed Mar 29 2000 - 21:40:13 EST

* Ed Kummel <tech_ed@yahoo.com> on Wed, 29 Mar 2000
| Actually, running Mac X on a handheld would be a BAD idea. What made the
| Newton (and now the Palm) such a good platform for handheld computing as
| opposed to some of the others (wince?) because the platform was built
| from the ground up with handheld in mind.

Actually, Newton Intelligence was designed with scalability in mind. It
could run on a device the size of a pocket watch. It could run on an
"electronic whiteboard". It could run on a plethora of devices in between.
And the Linux on Psion project is doing quite well, actually. And there is
always the Toshiba Libretto series that can run pretty much any x86 OS you
care to point at.

Running the same OS on the desktop and the handheld is a good idea. There
is no worrying about import/export or conduits or any of that cruft. The
app that runs on your desktop is the same app that runs on your handheld.
A simple copy command and your data is where you need it, when you need it.
Of course, that really does require an OS designed with this degree of
scalability in mind. The only one that I am aware of is Intelligence,
though QNX seems to be doing well as an embedable OS.

Rat <ratinox@peorth.gweep.net>    \ Warning: pregnant women, the elderly, and
Minion of Nathan - Nathan says Hi! \ children under 10 should avoid prolonged
PGP Key: at a key server near you!  \ exposure to Happy Fun Ball.
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