Re: NTLK New Apple PDA?

Date: Sat Mar 25 2000 - 08:24:00 EST

Ed, I respect your views but I oppose what you say, if Jobs didn't run apple,
it would probably have been sold off, look at the stock price it was around
30 in 96 now its around 150 so he is doing something right, I love the new
products, I agree that nothing can replace the newt but they will have some
good stuff coming out I even heard a rumor of a "Internet appliance".

In a message dated 3/25/00 1:16:49 AM, writes:

<< There's been so much crap flying out of Cupertino
since Jobs trashed the Newt, there's nothing they can
do to make a believer out of me, other than to release
the thing...
I'm completely soured by the "rumors" and the
"speculation" and if there is one thing that Jobs is
better at doing, other than running Apple, its keeping
a ANYTHING you hear is pure bunk! Hell,
the Area51 skunk works can't keep a secret as good as
web/gadget guru >>

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