Re: NTLK newton power adapter question

From: W.Lichtenberger (
Date: Fri Mar 24 2000 - 20:50:27 EST


On Saturday, March 25, 2000, 12:12:21 AM, charles wrote:

cm> i was examining my mp2k's power adapter the other day (sounds odd,
cm> but i was checking to see if it would work with an adapter for my
cm> upcoming trip to ireland) and i noticed it has what looks like a
cm> mounting screw built into it.

cm> the adapter i have is the kind with the prongs that fold into it, and

If you already know of the folding prongs, then...

cm> the screw mount (or whatever it is) is just below the prongs and to
cm> the left.

...why don't you know that the screw mounts one of the localized power
connectors to the power supply?

cm> any ideas what this is for?

sort of... 8^)

cm> just a curious newton user...

-- W.Lichtenberger

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