Re: NTLK Newt's Cape question.

From: Steve Weyer (
Date: Fri Mar 24 2000 - 05:20:02 EST

>Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 18:28:42 -0500
>From: Loren Finkelstein <Loren@Finkelstein.Net>
>Using Newt's Cape 2.1c on my MP2100, sometimes the html cache is full
>screen, and sometimes it is small, like viewing a book formatted universally
>for any MP.
>Any ideas why? I prefer full screen. Is ti a bug in the current version,
>or a quirk of some setting?
>P.S. I would have asked Steve Weyer directly, but figured others might be
>interested in the answer.

when NIE is connected, Newt's Cape avoids "full screen" views since those
appear to tickle some obscure Newton system memory bugs. (you'd think
closing a window would free up resources, but it probably starts to redraw
what's underneath first leading to resource problems).

from changes.htm (introduced in version 2.1a):

2.1: by shrinking sizes of overview and "full" size book,
Newt's Cape should avoid freezes (esp. on eMate and non-upgraded MP2K) when
NIE is open and these views close --
thanks to Sean Luke for reproducing/analyzing the problem and suggesting fixes
s summary</A>);
there's also a new version of <A
HREF="">Hemlock 2.0b1</A>.
Newt's Cape's overviews (for caches and bookmarks) shrink automatically for
NOS 2.1 systems when NIE is connected;
you should use i:General:Page Size: full-NIE to shrink the book size for
online browsing.

NewtDevEnv, Newt's Cape, Sloup, Crypto,...

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