NTLK Quicken 1.2 manual

From: Ed Kummel (tech_ed@yahoo.com)
Date: Wed Mar 22 2000 - 02:51:00 EST

I figured that if the Quicken for Newton is being
freely distributed, then the manual can be also. So,
with that logic, I have converted the manual (all 70+
pages of it) into a PDF document. I linked the table
of contents so all you gotta do is click on what you
want from the TOC and it takes you to that page. I
also included a bookmark section that bookmarks all
the chapters, troubleshooting and index. It is
available for anyone who wants it...Now for the bad
news. Becuase of the small type, the text translation
wasn't too good (I may go back later and try and clean
things up a bit) As a result, alot of the text is
saved as a graphic image...(a high resolution graphic
image for those who want to print out their own copy)
what this means is that the PDF document is large in
size...How large?
Well, it's not for the squeamish...21mb!
Compressing to a ZIP format or something else only
saves 1 mb...not worth it...So, let me know if this is
just too large for you...I also have the individual
pages saved as well (although you won't have the
linked TOC and bookmarks)
And if I get too many complaints, I'll try to
recompile it again but with better accuracy.
web/gadget guru

this is a temporary sig file until I can figure out a more clever one to use

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