NTLK QuickNamesPro questions

From: Denis Potvin (denis_potvin@videotron.ca)
Date: Mon Mar 20 2000 - 23:01:45 EST

I have purchased QuickNamesPro ( www.landware.com delivered by eMail -
faster, cheaper) some times age. Althought the software work properly, i am
a little disappointed:

- no electronic documentation other than the skinny information that could
be found on the web site;
- the feeling that the email delivery lack some files;
- no way to locate the QuickEntry Stationery advertised on the software
web page
- no appropriate answer to my request to the customer service.

Too bad for a piece of software who otherwise work well. Is there anybody
who bought this package the regular way and can provide me with a scanned
version of the manual and/or the missing files, particularly the QuickEntry

Quelques mots qui ont changé le monde:

€ Au commencement était le Verbe (Jn 1;1)
€ We the People (Constitution des EU)
€ Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité (Devise de la France)

-- Denis Potvin

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