Re: NTLK packages from japan

From: Keith Isley (
Date: Sat Mar 18 2000 - 10:22:36 EST

Here's the story on the applets, based on my testing with my MP130. They are
all TapBar applets, which means that you need that really cool freeware
TapBar utility from Yoshi Basuke. I use it all the time...does someone else
have the URL handy?

1) Storage Utilities - does a couple of things -
        - allows you to switch storage from internal to card, and vice
versa, without accessing the "card" slip. Very convenient.
        - allows two connection options. "Dock" opens the connection slip,
while "Connect to Desktop" opens the connection slip AND initiates a
connection with the desktop. Very cool.

2) AnotherDrawer - Essentially an alternate way to access files from the
Extras Drawer - from anywhere - without actually opening extras.
     - When activated, applet shows a mini-menu of all the drawers in
Extras...clicking one of the menu selections shows all the files in that
drawer, in mini-menu form. No backward navigation feature, except for
clicking off the Applet and starting over...but that's minor, considering
the extras drawer doesn't support subfolders. Again, very cool!
    - There are also applet options to check battery stats, adjust volume
and rotate the screen.

3) Equals - a quick calculator/conversion utility
    - Highlight a simple math equation (ex. 500*42, 2134+21), tap the Equals
button, and it does the math. It also calculates the total cost plus sales
tax, and does conversion to a different currency. You can change the sales
tax and currency conversion multipliers in a preferences slip.

4) Fast Access - a quick lookup for your address book.
    - Write something - a partial name, a partial address, a city name -
highlight it and tap the Fast Access Button. It will search your address
book and display any names and phone numbers that match. Selecting a name
takes you to that entry. Very very cool - especially if you have several
entriefrom the same company or town, and you want quick access to their
numbers all at once.
    - Note: there are two packages here. You need to install both, I

5) Fast Assist -this one's tougher for me to understand, but here goes:
    - Works the same way as fastassist if tapped.
    - When you tap and hold, you activate special assist options, depending
on which of the
      four add on modules you have installed:
        - Schedule a new appt with the text youve selected
        - Schedule a new to do with the text youve selected
        - Check the time in the city youve selected/highlighted
    I'm sure I'm missing something here.

I'm going to test drive some of these. They appear well-designed and easy to


----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, March 18, 2000 1:27 AM
Subject: NTLK packages from japan

> Hi,
> some of the more adventurous souls might be interested:
> got to go and learn some japanese now
> Ruedi

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