NTLK Top o' the Newton day to you

From: Filmer, Paul E (pfilmer@nsf.gov)
Date: Fri Mar 17 2000 - 11:10:02 EST

A bit of blarney...

Yeah, the fashion now is for implantable nano-PDA's, but carrying around
some hybrid DNA subcutaneously gives me the willies. I have stuck to my
faithful Newton - a clear case MP2100 with a steel door hinge and titanium
clips on the back.

When Apple's Microsoft division finally released the code for the NewtonOS
back in '08, there was a big rush back to the market, and I dug out my old
companion from between the unused rainbow-toe socks in the bottom drawer.
By that time, Guyot's Patches 715014, 735014 and 745014 were finally
recognized by Apple as legit works of genius, getting rid of the -10061 that
had hobbled Newt for so long. One bothersome item was still alt.rec
v0.999999d9, which couldn't handle my Farsi scrawl.

The white backlight is still fairly bright (although I still miss the dim
old green), and people still coo over my baby in her resurrected Siemens
cradle. It blows them away when I can play ultra-mini DVD using the old pen
holder, and store several discs on the multi Gig card.

I was glad Radu had the foresight to preserve the entire Newton Webring,
although of course it's all available now through any of the local Oz
hypermarket channels.

I enjoy my legacy systems, although I think some people laugh gently at me
in my pokey Nokia car. I'm just not enough of a throwback to even dare show
a Palm.
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