NTLK NCU stuff

From: Steve Vander Ark (vderark@bccs.org)
Date: Thu Mar 16 2000 - 08:36:40 EST

Okay, I just loaded NCU. I had been using NBU. New options! Cool!

The keyboard pass through is nice, since I've often discovered that I want
both my keyboard AND my PC connected to my Newton at once and I'm leary of
constantly connecting things to that scrawny little dongle port.

Now here's what I'm unsure of. Can this program let me export my names file
into my PC in a form that Outlook can read? I have to admit that I am really
lost when it comes to this stuff. If there isn't a button that says "click
here to send your names to Outlook's contacts file," I'm probably going to
need a step by step tutorial. Can I also export my calendar info that way?
Or isn't any of this possible without the legendary synch apps we've all
been talking about?

Also, is this software a demo or a beta or something or will it keep

Steve "Hopelessly Green" Vander Ark

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