Re: NTLK ANNOUNCE: Digest Version Working Again!

From: Bill Davis (
Date: Thu Mar 16 2000 - 00:38:49 EST

On 3/14/2000 8:35 AM, Laura [] wrote:

>The new mailserver is sending out digest versions now. For those of you who
>were unaware, the list has been active during the last few days, but our new
>mail server was having trouble making the digests. Looks like it's all set
>Thanks for your patience everyone! I must say on the whole that the
>behavior of this list is outstanding!

Laura -

Thanks for all your fine work on this. We all appreciate your work and
your patience.

One comment; the digest numbers are starting at "V1 #1" again. We've
already had that number. And the last digest I received during all the
list server troubles was V1 #2! (received 3/5/2000)

Before all the list problems, the last digest I got was "V1 #263"

Can you change it so the next one is "V1 #266" or "V2 #3" or whatever
2xx number is appropriate by that time? V2 #? might be easier/safer.

 - Bill

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