Re: NTLK RE: Palm Emulator

From: Victor Rehorst (
Date: Mon Mar 13 2000 - 15:08:09 EST

On Mon, 13 Mar 2000, Laurent Daudelin wrote:

> Now that someone mentions this, I thought I would chime in. I was also
> wondering what applications are available on the Palm that don't have
> any equivalent on the Newton? I don't have much time, and I'm pretty
> busy, but I'm a developer and if there is demand, I'd like to know
> what people would like to see that Palm users have that we don't have
> (no, they don't have an MP3 player, so don't ask ;-)

Well, let's see... Palm screens are 160x160 right? About 240x160 if you
include the silkscreened writing area (poor chaps, confined to that little
square :). The screen res on a 2x00 is 480x320, so that means you can
have *two* palm screens fit on your Newton at the same time! Two full
screen Palm applications at once! :)

<yes, that was a joke>

-----Victor Rehorst - |
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