Re: NTLK Re: Palm Emulator

From: David Arnold (
Date: Sun Mar 12 2000 - 10:49:43 EST

-->"RobertRuff" == RobertRuff <> writes:

  RobertRuff> If someone is going to go through all the trouble of
  RobertRuff> writing an emulator why not go for a cross compiler
  RobertRuff> instead that would ensure and current supply of S/W.

a cross-compiler would not enable the use of binary-only, commercial

i've never looked in detail at the palm-os development system. isn't
it based on code warrior? writing a bunch of Newton C++ to replace
their system libs, and a smart loader, would hopefully mean that you
could minimise the amount of CPU time spent emulating m68k

or maybe you could run their binary apps through a converter, like the
Digital FX/32 (or whatever it was called. something like that) which
converts x86 binaries to Alpha binaries?

but really, this is a huge undertaking ...


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