Re: NTLK Pocket Quicken <> Quicken 2000?

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Thu Mar 09 2000 - 09:44:10 EST

Chris Ruprecht wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I am a Quicken2000 user on my mac and am wondering if I can exchange
> this info with Pocket quicken on my Newton. Any input would be
> greatly appreciated.

I don't know for PocketQuicken, but I'm using Quicken2000 also on my
Mac, and use PocketMoney to transfer transactions from my Newton to my

BTW, if anybody was disapointed when the Exchange package (part of
PocketMoney) did stop supporting AppleTalk (LocalTalk *and* EtherTalk),
I've been able to convince Hardy Macia to include AppleTalk support
again, and I got a new version that works perfectly. So, if, like me,
you got one of the latest Mac that is lacking a serial port, and would
like to use your Ethernet network to transfer transactions from
PocketMoney to your Mac, let me know.

Laurent Daudelin
Developer, Object Factory, Substrate Fannie Mae
Phone: 703-833-4266
Fax: 703-833-7555 Usual disclaimers apply

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