RE: NTLK open-source NCU - letter/petition

From: Laurent Chardon (
Date: Thu Mar 02 2000 - 19:27:37 EST

> I've finally gotten around to drafting a letter to Puma
> Technology concerning the possility of making NCU open-source,
> considering its (near certain) incompatibility with MacOS X. Any
> suggestions as for additions to the letter before I
> send it?

Yes, one request: don't make this Mac OS centred only. We, supporters of the
evil platform, would like NCU to be open-source too. We all dream of being
able to fix some stupid bugs in the win version, and add Ethernet support...

Something else: there are a few spelling mistakes in this letter, you might
want to review it a bit. Here is a start:

> Technology concerning the possility of making NCU open-source,

Oops, forgot the "bi" in "possibility"...

> I am a member of the Newtontalk mailing list (hosted at, comprised of over 1000 individuals who
still believe the Newton to be the revolutionary and versatile PDA platforms
to be created yet.

Do you mean "the most revolutionary and versatile PDA"?

>We continue to believe
>in and the Newton even after it's discontinuation

That's "its discontinuation", not "it's"

And somewhere down the letter you misspelled "introduced" (r is missing)

Thanks for your efforts though. I hope that we get NCU's code!

Laurent Chardon


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