NTLK LifeBalance for Newton...

From: Filmer, Paul E (pfilmer@nsf.gov)
Date: Thu Mar 02 2000 - 08:46:59 EST

Here's the reply I got from LlamaGraphics about the Newton version of

>You folks are still mentioned/suggested in Newton discussion groups, so
>you might want a link somewhere to info/policy on the Newton versions...

Actually, that is completely intentional, since we do still sell a
version of the software for Newton, and there is also a discount for our
Newton customers who want to switch to Palm. If you scroll down, there is
a link in the tech support section of the LifeBalanceTop page that
directs anyone interested to the full set of Newton files. You can get
there directly by pointing your browser to:


Also for upgrade policy, you can check out the News History page:


Our feeling is that if the Newton web ring is still chugging along, then
we'll still welcome our Newton customers. You may also be interested in
some of the threads in our User Forums that compare the Newton version to
the Palm version.

Best wishes,

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