Re: NTLK NOS 2.1 Find

From: W.Lichtenberger (
Date: Tue Feb 29 2000 - 17:31:05 EST

At 09:48 29.02.00 -0800, you wrote:
>W.Lichtenberger wrote:
>> No, they're not
> Yes, they are. Any app-switching utility (startbar, i++'s t-button,
Tasks, etc) will show that the apps are no longer switchable to after the
"Find" because they have been closed.

How right you are - so much for beliefs set in stone ;-). Actually, after
the 'Find', they're still there according to "Tasks", but then i tapped one
of the found entries in Names in the list, and lo & behold, "Tasks" showed
only the Backdrop, Find and Names... 8^(

>> Start the missing app again
> This is what I'm trying to avoid. I may have 4 apps open, and don't
want to have to reload them all. Specifically, PocketQuicken can take a
while to reload (and it loses the transaction that was being entered since
it wasn't recorded). That being said, most apps do return to exactly the
same state, but some don't entirely.

Point taken - yes, i saw that in the meantime, too (i'll renounce and
henceforth tell the opposite...8^).

-- Wolf Lichtenberger
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