NTLK traveling with Newton...

From: Steve Vander Ark (vderark@bccs.org)
Date: Mon Jun 12 2000 - 14:47:16 CDT

I just noticed something interesting in the newletter I get from AOL's PDA
group. Here's what it says:

  ****POCKET PRESS ****

  The AOL Personal Digital Assistants Community
  Weekly Newsletter
  June 10, 2000


  * Community News: AOL Mail for Pocket PCs Now Available; Traveling with
a PDA?

         **snip snip**

Traveling with Only a PDA?
If you're traveling this summer for work or play with only a PDA, drop me a
note and tell me how it successful it was. Did you miss that heavy laptop or
does your PDA give you everything you need?

I for one will be traveling with my 2100 by my side, complete with Works and
QuickFigure Pro, NewtCase and SimpleMail. Granted, I'll have my Toshiba
laptop along too, but my "weapon of choice" will be my Newton. I think I
just might drop a note to Susan Gustafson [SusanGustafson@AOL.COM]and brag a

Steve Vander Ark
Library Media Specialist
Byron Center Christian School
Byron Center, Michigan

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