Re: NTLK 802.11

Date: Tue Jul 18 2000 - 11:52:11 CDT

On Tue, 18 Jul 2000, Jake Luck wrote:
> pardon me, but what is the current WaveLan driver state? I am a UNIX
> systems programmer. Although I have never programmed on newton before, if
> there are enough interested and someone who is willing to give me a
> bootstrap, I would be happy to help with the development.

Actually, I'm getting back into this. I have a slight problem right now
in that the owner of the WaveLAN card I was borrowing is using it again
now so I'm out of luck until my next paycheck or something :)

I have a working build environment for the DDK and for ethernet
drivers. I have the NetBSD WaveLAN PCMCIA drivers (which are sane and
non-obfuscated). I can reset the card, and when reading its status
register, it responds "command completed" after a sane period of time.

I'm actually currently reading more docs on ethernet driver code for BSD,
since I may have been confused in the order of some syscalls, and that may
have been a previous problem.

If you have a Macintosh, and an mp2x00, and a Lucent WaveLAN/Orinoco (they
changed the name! Orinoco sounds so much better than WaveLAN,
really! :) card, I can send you the stuff. If you don't have all of those
things, there isn't really much that you can do right now...


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