NTLK width of omp screen

From: Gruendel, Frank 3837 PPE-WT (Frank.Gruendel@de.heidelberg.com)
Date: Mon Jul 10 2000 - 05:57:50 CDT

> one thing I noticed was that the OMP appeared to have a wider
> screen than the 120 by a small number of pixels (comments from
> the peanut gallery?)

Not sure I'm a member of the peanut gallery yet, but...

Yes. The OMP, along with the MP 100, has a wider screen (provided
you hold it in landscape mode which is unlikely unless you are
using DotClock (coming soon)...).
The 120 has a screen size of 240 x 320, the OMP and 110 have
240 x 335 or so. Not much more, but enough to require some additional
code if you want your apps to run on *all* MP's there are.

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