NTLK New books posted

From: Michael Wittmann (mcw@wam.umd.edu)
Date: Sun Jul 09 2000 - 16:13:27 CDT

Hello, all,

I have once again formatted a few books of material on the web, and posted
them on my web site. This time around, it's the Second Coming Manifesto,
by David Gelertner.

I've created them in 3 formats, MP2k portrait, landsacape, and universal
(for those using older Newtons).

You can download the book on my web site:


Note that this page also contains links to Bryan Oakley's old "What's
Right with the Newton" pages, where he described some of the everyday
things that make the Newton such a joy to use. I am now hosting these
pages, since he had removed them from his site. They're great for
beginners who want to see what the Newton is all about...

Any and all comments appreciated, either in this forum or personally. Hope
you enjoy!


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