Re: NTLK Newton comparisons (Why doesn't everyone like their visors/palms)

From: Wolfgang Keller (
Date: Sun Jul 09 2000 - 11:41:46 CDT

At 9:56 Uhr -0400 03.07.2000, wrote:

>The Newton however, got very close to being a small laptop. The result of a
>contest between the needs of getting as much "all around" functionality in
>to a truly portable package, was a device that is too big to fit in a pocket
>and too small to be comfortable for large amounts of work. Maybe Apple
>should have gone smaller rather than larger with the 2000.

Obviously, a really pocket-sized Newton would have been a killer. With the
same display size as the 130, but a much smaller case, without the
extension slot (but a connector for mobile phones and modems scripts for
all available mobile phones), with a faster CPU to speed up the handwriting
recognition, with a cover that opens to the side instead of the top, so
that you can use it as a pad to put your hand on while writing on the
screen (so that you can use it without a table while standing or sitting
anywhere) and a folding USB keyboard of the same size as the case... Oh

>It does have a
>particular niche, but I wouldn't want to do all my work on it. The
>limitation of the package always detracted from the tremendous functionality
>of the Newton. The Cost hurt too.

Sure, at around $250, everyone would have bought it. At $1000, it had to be
a complete failure in the market.

Wolfgang Keller

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