Re: NTLK Urgent MP2100 entry problems

From: markr13 (
Date: Wed Jul 05 2000 - 20:49:10 CDT

>Date: Tue, 4 Jul 2000 23:21:09 -0500
>From: Bill Davis <>
>Subject: Re: NTLK Urgent MP2100 entry problems
>On 7/4/00 12:47 PM, David Tise [] wrote:
>>MP 2100
>>When I am writing the input all of a sudden becomes squiggly, making the
>>recognition impossible. Its as if I am touching the screen at another
>>place at the same time, but I am not.

>>Any ideas on what the problem is? Almost to the point of getting a palm
>>Thanks very
>You've got grains of grit stuck under the edges of your MP's screen and
>when you hold it your hands are applying enough pressure for the grains
>to press into the screen and look like pen tap.
>Run a THIN card around the edges of your Newton screen and clean out the
>You may also have a hardware problem with the screen. If the above
>doesn't solve your problem, Apple can repair it.
> - Bill

One other possibility is that wires internally have lost contact. If the
above doesn't solve the problem, try twisting the Newton once in each
direction. This may clean contacts to the touch screen.

BTW- is there a FAQ on this one? If not there should be!

Mark Ross

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