Re: NTLK OH NO...Not my SYSTEM.INI file

From: Kari Heber, MD (
Date: Tue Feb 29 2000 - 10:40:14 EST

Victor wrote:
>On Tue, 29 Feb 2000, Arnie Lerner wrote:
>[stuff deleted]
> > ;VCD--virtual serial port driver used by TSI Products
> > device=*VCD ( i've used an asterik here, but it looks more like a star)
> > ;VID--virtual interrupt driver used by TSI Products
> > devicec:\newton\tsivid.386
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is not a valid entry. it needs an
>equals sign, like this:

This looks to me that for some reason the "c:\newton" got inserted
improperly into the system.ini file. My guess is the line should just say
device=tsivid.386. It may need a path, so if that doesn't work, then search
for the tsivid.386 file and list the complete path after the "device=".

>In any case, I think you're having problems unrelated to NCU, since that
>entry isn't anywhere in my system.ini under Win98, and I use NCU all the
>time. There isn't even a tsivid.386 file in my NCU directory, or even
>anywhere on my Windows drive :)

I agree with Victor. What TSI products are you using in your system? I have
used NCU flawlessly since getting my MP2100 in Jan98, even when backing up
12 and 2 MB cards.

Kari Heber

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