Re: NTLK Re: newtontalk V1 #260

From: Ed Kummel (
Date: Tue Feb 29 2000 - 02:45:20 EST

hmmm, If you use the Apple supplied battery pack, then
the batteries DO charge in the 120...But a little work
around is...I got some "AA" nicads from Radio Shack,
then folded up a wad of cellophane tape so that it
formed a semi-rigid flap about 1/8" wide and 1/2'
long...put in the bottom and the top batties, then
hold the tape flap over that little square button and
put in the two center batteries. What this does is
that the little button is a switch that tells the
newton that you have a rechargable battery pack in
your Newton and to charge the battery pack (in this
case, it's your RS rechargables! Worked for me for two
years! I used both the plugin charger and the charging
stand (the charging stand has a similar button in it
as well!))
Once the batteries are in place, you never have to
take them out! so the tape wedge never has to come
out...Simple and easy!
Of course, standard disclaimer applies...your mileage
may vary!
web guru

--- jon glass <> wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 29, 2000 6:44 AM, NewtonTalk
> <> wrote:
> > Oh yeah - batteries and power - batteries can't
> recharge in the unit,
> > so you need a separate charging thing - like the
> recharging "cradle"
> > available for the 110, 120, and 130 (part H0087),
> and rechargable
> > batteries. You could use alkaline non-rechargable,
> but then you'll
> > need to change them periodically - my first set of
> alkaline batteries
> > lasted me about a month of casual, non-continuous
> usage.
> >
> I had no problems charging batteries in my unit,
> both using the charging
> stand, and using the adapter directly in the unit.
> As for the 120, I can't heartily recommend it. I had
> a 120 1.3, upgraded it
> to 2.0 and later bought another 2.0 when my first
> was stolen. I have since
> gone "up" to a 120 and would never go back. The main
> problem is the heap.
> You are severly limited on heap in a 120. The max
> you can hope for, with no
> packages installed is around 70k. If you want to get
> email, you are
> basically limited to Aloha and AOL. I reset my 120
> several times a day
> under heavy usage. That said, if you want it chiefly
> for the built-in
> functions, and maybe Pocket Money, it should
> suffice. As soon as you want
> to start adding things, however, you will find
> yourself limited, especially
> if you are backgrading from a 2K series.
> -Jon Glass
> Krakow, Poland
> <>
> <>
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