RE: NTLK Feedback: Develop a program? How hard? What to do first? Need Mortgage Calc...

From: Lairson, David L (
Date: Thu Feb 24 2000 - 19:08:23 EST

I somehow got a copy of the HTML version of Newton Programming on a Mac from
this list and I have been using it to start programming on the Newton. I
have a little programming experience, just some classes at school, but after
working throught the problems in the book I have found that the NewtonScript
is fairly easy to use, about on the same level as Java or Tcl/TK.

Just my 3 cents worth (adjusted for inflation)

No, it's almost impossible to break your Newton while testing a piece of
software. The worst that can happend is that you would be force to do a hard
reset, but that's all.

If you don't have any programming experience, it might be hard. Even if you
programming experience, it's hard, at the beginning, because NewtonScript is
like nothing that is out there. After a while, you become more comfortable
things go a little bit better. I've put an HTML version of a programming
for the Newton. I could dig the URL if you want to give it a shot.

Laurent Daudelin
Developer, Object Factory, Substrate Fannie Mae
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