Re: NTLK Re: Quick help please!

From: Bill Davis (
Date: Sun Feb 20 2000 - 03:15:24 EST

On 2/19/2000 6:16 PM, Tom Bessler [] wrote:

>Hi Mark,
>I thank you for that information. I'll give it a try.
>Actually, my problem is a software one.
>I recently installed OS 8.6 and it's doing some strange things. Whenever I
>boot the computer (PM 4400/200, 80 megs of memory) the System draws about
>12 megs of memory. With nothing else running, if I leave the computer on,
>by the end of the day, it will have usurped all of the available memory and
>there will none left to check my e-mail, for instance. I'm trying to find a

You probably have a third-party extension or control panel or background
app with a bug that's requesting memory and not freeing it when done with
it, then requesting more, not freeing that either, etc. This is called a
"memory leak". Try using the Extension Manager to set yourself to oneo
of the built-in Apple only sets and see if you see a problem. I use OS
8.6 and have never noticed any problems like this. Internet Explorer
sucks up system RAM in addition to it's own memory partition,
though.....and it's not always good about freeing it up when you quit,
plus it can cause memory fragmentation. Are you really doing NOTHING
with the computer, just letting it sit all day?

 - Bill

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