Re: NTLK Ready and Willing to work on NewtonMAD

From: Sunder (
Date: Fri Feb 18 2000 - 13:19:41 EST

Indeed, as I've said, once someone goes and santizes it and can tell me
with 99.99% confidence that all the illegal wares have been removed, I
will be more than happy to rehost it again.

IMHO - a good thing to do is to replace the illegal wares with demo
versions where available, and url's pointing to where to buy the legal
copies from.

I can't unfortunately provide a file listing as rm -rf newtonmad did its
job pretty well. :) Even so, you just can't tell what's a demo and what's
a full version just by file names. You can only assume, which will get
you (or rather me) in trouble.

George Henne wrote:
> >I can host the archive. I have a server with plenty of space on a T1
> >I would be perfectly happy to put it up on a hotline server with 24
> >hour access.
> >As far as I'm aware most of the software in the archive although
> >perhaps commercial was protected by serial numbers and therefore
> >worthless to anyone without a licence.
> In some cases, serial numbers are included with the commercial software.
> However, that is irrelevant: the licence agreements for the sofware are
> still being violoated.
> The only way to avoid risk is to delete the illegal copies of the
> commercial software completely. None of comercial developers want to shut
> off a valuable resource to Newton users, but it has to be done above
> board.
> Anyone thinking of hosting NewtonMAD should be sure to get appropriate
> legal advice first.
> George Henne NS BASIC Corporation
> Orders: 416 264-5999 Fax: 416 264-5888

---------------------------- Kaos Keraunos Kybernetos -------------------- 
 + ^ +  Sunder              "Only someone completely distrustful of   /|\ 
  \|/    all government would be opposed to what /\|/\ 
<--*--> -------------------- we are doing with surveillance cameras" \/|\/ 
  /|\   You're on the air.   -- NYC Police Commish H. Safir.          \|/ 
 + v +  Say 'Hi' to Echelon  "Privacy is an 'antisocial act'" - The FedZ.
---------------------------- -----------------------
I love the smell of Malathion in the morning, it smells like brain cancer.

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