From: Laura (laurap@ideacast.com)
Date: Thu Feb 17 2000 - 14:41:22 EST

The message: NTLK Re: Backlight Colors /Jon Glass
posted to this list by KCole

contains a virus attachment -- you can open the email itself without being
infected, but DO NOT click on or run the .exe file attached to the message.

One side effect of viruses is that it can send a mail to everyone in your
address book or inbox so my guess is that the mail was sent without the
user's consent or knowledge.

Please be responsible, everyone, and virus check your computer occasionally.
A good place to start is McAfee's PC Clinic at McAfee.com

If you did accidentally open the attachment, McAfee's has free tools to help
you get rid of the virus. If you become infected, do not use your email
program as this virus will automatically mail itself to recipients found on
any address lists or in the Inbox associated with your email program.

An additional note: We have no way to prevent attachments to the NewtonTalk
List, and we rely on everyone cooperating - please don't post attachments to
the NewtonTalk List.

KCole has been temporarily unsubscribed. I would advise all of you NOT to
email his account as any replies from him will probably also contain
happy99.exe unless he has cleaned up his system.

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